Scientific Sessions

Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
Physical Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
Chemistry in Clinical Research
Structural Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Nanoscience and Materials Chemistry
Environmental and Green Chemistry
Food Chemistry and Agricultural Chemistry
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Marine and Geo Chemistry
Pure and Applied Chemistry
Catalysis and Chemical Engineering
Nuclear and Radio Chemistry
Chemistry of Transition Elements
Green Chemistry and Renewable Resources
Nutrition and Food chemistry
Chemical Engineering
Chemistry Educational Research
Agricultural Chemistry
Forensic and Clinical Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry
Organic and Inorganic chemistry
Computational Chemistry
Synthetic Chemistry
Future Scope of Chemistry
Technological advancement in Organic Synthesis
Organometallic Chemistry
Challenges and Opportunities in CADD
Emerging technology on Supramolecular and Surface chemistry
Organometallic Chemistry
Natural Products Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry